Proceso de debate y consulta del Plan de Derechos Humanos de Cataluña
#ÀgoraDeDrets Queremos que la ciudadanía nos de su opinión su respeto a las medidas propuestas para cada uno de los derechos humanos que conforman el plan
Cambios en "The Evolution of Hockey: From Ice to Field -"
- +{"ca"=>"The Evolution of Hockey: From Ice to Field -"}
- +["Hockey, a dynamic and fast-paced sport, has evolved significantly from its origins to become a beloved game played worldwide. Historically, hockey is believed to have ancient roots, with evidence suggesting that variations of the game were played in ancient Greece, Egypt, and Persia. However, the modern version of hockey, as we know it today, began to take shape in the 19th century.\n\nView more here in Hindi at\ngid://decidim-barcelona-organizations/Decidim::Hashtag/37/_ÀgoraDeDrets gid://decidim-barcelona-organizations/Decidim::Hashtag/38/_ÀgoraVirtual"]