Procés de debat i consulta del Pla de Drets Humans de Catalunya
#ÀgoraDeDrets (Enllaç extern) Volem que la ciutadania digui la seva respecte a les mesures proposades per a cada un dels drets humans que conformen el pla
Canvis a "Different foods for better brain activity"
- +{"ca"=>"Different foods for better brain activity"}
- +["Food plays a vital role in our health and well-being. Healthy food habits help to functioning the body in the best manner. For better functioning of the brain, there are several foods. Such foods are called brain foods. These foods contains the nutrients that impr the brain functions or help energize the brain and improving the power of intellectual thoughts.\n\nFive foods that improves the brain health include fatty fish, berries, walnuts, green leafy vegetables, coffee and tea. Also, the food containing Vitamin D, B, C and Zinc are the best to eat. So, make the food shopping list in order to improve the brain functions. \n\nRead a blog to learn more about food habits for better brain health- \n\ngid://decidim-barcelona-organizations/Decidim::Hashtag/37/_ÀgoraDeDrets gid://decidim-barcelona-organizations/Decidim::Hashtag/38/_ÀgoraVirtual"]