Procés de debat i consulta del Pla de Drets Humans de Catalunya
#ÀgoraDeDrets Volem que la ciutadania digui la seva respecte a les mesures proposades per a cada un dels drets humans que conformen el pla
How to reset Apple ID password
• Enter your Apple ID username, then click Continue.
• Reset your Apple ID password with two-factor authentication
• There are two ways to reset your password: by using the recovery email address you have on file for your account or by answering your security questions. Make your choice and click Continue.
• If you choose Receive an email, verify the email account displayed on the screen, then enter the email verification code and click Continue. Now skip to step 7.
• If you choose Answer security questions, start by entering your date of birth, then answer two of your security questions and click Continue.
• Enter your new Apple ID password. The password must be 8 or more characters, include upper and lower case letters, and have at least one number. The Strength indicator shows how secure the password you choose is.
• When you're happy with your new password, click Reset Password to make the change.
Resetting your Apple ID password requires more steps if you use two-
factor authentication to provide an extra layer of security. Then:
• Follow the first two steps of the instructions above.
• Next, confirm your trusted phone number. Enter the number and click Continue.
• A screen will appear prompting you to verify your trusted devices.
• On one of your trusted devices, a password reset pop-up appears. Click or tap Allow.
• Enter the device password.
• Then enter your new Apple ID password, enter it a second time to verify it, and tap Next to change your password.
1. If you use a Mac and prefer this approach, you can also reset your Apple ID password through iTunes. That is how:
2. Begin by launching iTunes on your computer.
3. Click on the Account menu.
4. Click Sign In.
5. In the pop-up window, click Forgot your Apple ID or password? (It's a small link just below the password field.)
6. In the next pop-up window, enter your Apple ID.
7. Another pop-up window will ask you to enter the password you use for your computer user account. This is the password you use to log in to the computer.
8. Enter your new password, enter it a second time to verify it, and then click Continue.
9. If you have two-factor authentication enabled, you'll need to enter your trusted phone number.
10. Choose Use a trusted phone number or Use another device. Then follow the steps above on your trusted device to reset your password.
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